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NLog 4.0 has been released.


NLog 4.0 has been released! More than 100 issues are closed in GitHub. The release can be downloaded from NuGet.

We had a small delay (less than a week) on releasing this version. We underestimated the need for a release candidate and the time needed for documenting a changes on the wiki .

Thanks again for the reported issues and requested features!

This post is almost identical to the release candidatie news post


This release contains the following features:

Zipped file archives (.Net 4.5 and higher)

The FileTarget can now compress the archived files to zip format. Example: set EnableArchiveFileCompression in config file:

<targetname="file"xsi:type="File"layout="${longdate} ${logger} ${message}"fileName="${basedir}/logs/logfile.txt"archiveFileName="${basedir}/archives/log.{#}.txt"archiveEvery="Day"archiveNumbering="Rolling"maxArchiveFiles="7"enableArchiveFileCompression="true"/>

Because we use the standard stuff of .Net for this, it’s only available in .Net 4.5 and higher.

Consistent logging of exceptions (breaking change)

Logging of exceptions is now more consistent and complete than before. This is a breaking change. All the logger methods, such as .Debug, Error etc. now contains a first optional parameter of the type Exception. Only this parameter would be written as Exception to the log and can be used in the layout renderer, for example ` ${exception:format=tostring}`.


  • All “exception” methods starts with Exception parameter. E.g. Error(Exception exception, string message, params object[] args).
  • All “exception” methods have a ‘args’ as parameter for formatting the message.
  • All “exception” methods have an overload with an IFormatProvider as parameter.

Changes that are not backwards-compatible. * removed “exceptionCandidate” hack: Log(string message, Exception ex) would write to exception property instead of message. This is non-backwards compatible in behaviour! * all other “exception methods”: Eg. ErrorException and Error(string message, Exception exception) are marked as Obsolete, also in the interfaces.

//NLog 4.0Logger.Error(ex,"ow noos");Logger.Error(ex,"ow noo {0}","s");//ObsoleteLogger.ErrorException(ex,"ow noos");//BREAKING CHANGE: no compile error, but exception is used in message formatting.Logger.Error("ow noos",ex);//don't do this.//consistent with:Logger.Error("ow noos {0}",var1");

Conditional logging

In extreme cases logging could affect the performance of your application. There is a small overhead when writing a lot of log messages, like Tracing. In this case it’s now possible to only include the Trace and Debug call with a debug release. Instead of:

Logger.Trace("entering method {0}",methodname);


Logger.ConditionalTrace("entering method {0}",methodname);

This call will be removed by the .Net compiler if the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol is not set – default on a release build.

Auto load extensions

Assemblies with the name “NLog*.dll”, like “NLog.CustomTarget.dll” are now loaded automatically. This assembly should be in the same folder as NLog.dll. Of course you can load NLog extensions manually with the <Extensions> config

AllEventProperties layout renderer

A new layout renderer which outputs all of the event’s properties. Format and separator can be manually configured. Usage examples:

  • ${all-event-properties}
  • ${all-event-properties:Separator=|}
  • ${all-event-properties:Separator= | :Format=[key] is [value]}

This combines nicely with the fluent interface introduced in 3.2.0.


varlogger=LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();logger.Info().Message("This is a test fluent message '{0}'.",DateTime.Now.Ticks).Property("Test","InfoWrite").Property("coolness","200%").Property("a","not b").Write();
  • In case of ${all-event-properties} this would produce: Test=InfoWrite, coolness=200%, a=not b
  • In case of ${all-event-properties:Format=[key] is [value]} this would produce: Test is InfoWrite, coolness is 200%, a is not b

Writing to JSON

A new layout that renders log events as structured JSON documents. Example:


would write: { "time": "2010-01-01 12:34:56.0000", "level": "ERROR", "message": "hello, world" }


  • Currently the layout will always create an non-nested object with properties.
  • Also there is no way to prevent escaping of the values (e.g. writing custom JSON as value)
  • The JSON will be written on one line, so no newlines.

Improved loggingRule final behavior (breaking change)

The behavior of the final attribute has been changed. Example:


Before 4.0 it would mark all messages from the logger “logger1” as final. In 4.0 it will only mark the debug messages as final.

Added Eventlog.EntryType

When writing to the Eventlogger, NLog would writes to Information, Warning or Error entrytype, depending on the level. This is now configurable (with layout renderes) and offers the opportunity to write also a FailureAudit or SuccessAudit and/or use it with conditions.


  • The EventLogTarget.Source now accepts layout-renderers. Note: layout renderers can not be used when in- or uninstalling the target.
  • The Console- and ColorConsole target has an encoding property.
  • The application domain layout renderer has been added. Examples: ${appdomain}, ${appdomain:format=short} or ${appdomain:format=long}.
  • Added CallSiteLineNumber layout renderer. usage: ${callsite-linenumber}
  • Added SkipFrames option to the Stacktrace layout renderer
  • The WebserviceTarget has the option IncludeBOM. Possible options:
    • null: doesn’t change BOM.
    • true: always include UTF-8 BOM UTF-8 encodings.
    • false: default, always skip BOM on UTF-8 encodings.
  • FileTarget uses time from the current TimeSource for date-based archiving.
  • Multicast with the LogReceiverTarget is now possible
  • The Mailtarget has less required parameters (at least To, CC or BCC should be set) and the Mailtarget logs their errors correctly to the internal logger now.
  • The Counter.Sequence now accepts layout renderers.

Bug fixes

Over 30 bugs has been solved. The full list can be viewed on Github.

The most noticeable bugs:

  • The default value of DatabaseTarget.CommandType could lead to exceptions
  • If the XML was broken (invalid), auto reload would be disabled - the application needed a restart before reading the changed configuration.
  • The Logmanager.GetCurrentClassLogger was not thread-safe and with many concurrent calls it would throw an exception.
  • Various fixes to the archiving of files.
  • Bugfix: WebserviceTarget wrote encoded UTF-8 preamble.

Breaking changes

NLog 4.0 has some breaking changes. To sum up:

  • LoggingRule.Final behaviour has been changed.
  • The methods of logging exception data has been changed.
  • The webservice target won’t write a BOM with UTF-8 (default, can be set)
  • All properties that have been changed to accept layout renderers.

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