We have the following releases planned for NLog:
NLog 4.4
no .NET Core, yet
Originally NLog 4.4 would have .NET Core support. We have released multiple alpha and beta releases with support .NET Core (or to be precise .NET Standard).
Unfortunately, there is a show-stopper: the behavior of GetCurrentClassLogger
is wrong and we can’t fix it as the StackTrace API is limited in .NET Core
(see here). You can read more about it here.
We will postpone .NET Core support to NLog 5.
Will this delay a RTM with .NET Core support? Yes. As long as the StackTrace API is missing, we can’t fix it. It seems that .NET Standard 2 (Q1 2017) will support the StackTrace API.
Better handling of invalid config
Currently, some mistakes in the config could lead to no logging at all.
For example, if ${aspnet-item}
is used in the file target and NLog.Web was not included, no files are written.
We will fix this in NLog 4.4 and we will replace the wrong part with an empty string. See this PR.
Easier extending
A lot of feature requests could be easily implemented by writing a custom target or layout renderer. Currently it’s a bit difficult to register your custom code. We will improve that. Also a custom layout renderer should be as easy as one line of code:
LayoutRenderer.RegisterLayoutRenderer("trace-identifier", (logEvent) => HttpContext.Current.TraceIdentifier );
Steam and byte pooling (performance)
Currently under development, thanks to @bjornbouetsmith and @snakefoot!
This change will decrease memory pressure and prevent (excessive) garbage collection.
For details, see PR 1397 and and PR 1663
NLog 4.5
Structural logging
We would like to support structural logging like Serilog. We are currently working on an own parser and renderer. More info here.
NLog 5
NLog 5 will have .NET Core support and we will push some small breaking changes.
NLog 6
NLog 6 will split all the functionality to multiple packages. Why is this not the case in NLog 5? Well the .NET Core support consists of more than 250 commits and almost 400 changed files. If something is broken by those changes, it’s easier to find the previous code if we won’t move all the code around!