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NLog 5.2 without trim warnings


NLog v5.2 changes the recommended way for explicit registration of NLog extensions. Already now the automatic scanning for assemblies containing NLog extensions was disabled with NLog v5. Instead NLog users are encouraged to explicitly specify what NLog extensions to load.

NLog extensions are normally loaded by just specifying the assembly-name, and then NLog will dynamically load the assembly, and NLog will then use reflection to enumerate the types inside the assembly.

When using NET trimming to strip away all unreferenced code, then dynamic assembly loading will not work well. Dynamically loaded assemblies might reference code that have been stripped from the application. To prevent all these issues then NET trimming will make build warnings about such possible pitfalls. Thus previous versions of NLog are reported as being unsafe for NET trimming, because of the ability to dynamically load assemblies.

NLog v5.2 now recommends that one registers the individual NLog extension types like this:


NLog.Web.AspNetCore and NLog.Extensions.Logging have been updated to automatically register their NLog extensions the recommended way when calling UseNLog() or AddNLog().

If one needs the NLog Logger in ASP.NET Core before the HostBuilder has been created, then LoadConfigurationFromAppSettings() will ensure to register NLog extensions before loading the NLog configuration:

var logger = NLog.LogManager.Setup().LoadConfigurationFromAppSettings().GetCurrentClassLogger();

NLog v5.2 will no longer perform any assembly loading and scanning during initialization, unless explicitly requested by the user. NLog will also automatically skip requests for assembly loading, when it detects that assembly types are already registered. This means NLog will skip the <extensions>-section when NLog detects relevant types are already registered the recommended way.

When enabling NET trimming on application publish, then make sure that NLog-configuration file, doesn’t depend on <extensions>-section and dynamic assembly loading. The NET trimming build-warnings about dynamic assembly loading issue has been suppressed in NLog v5.2, since it is no longer used unless explictly requested. The next major version of NLog will extract all logic for dynamic assembly loading into a separate nuget-package.

Obsoleted methods that conflicts with application trimming

NLog v5.2 marks several methods as obsolete, to move towards the following goals:

  • Move all dynamic assembly loading logic from ConfigurationItemFactory into Setup() extensions methods. Later moved into separate NLog-nuget-package with next major version.
  • Move all file loading logic from LogManager / LogFactory into Setup() extensions methods. Later moved into separate NLog-nuget-package with next major version.
  • Promote the Setup() extensions methods, instead of having many different static-methods.

The following methods has been marked obsolete on ConfigurationItemFactory, with redirection to Setup() extensions methods:

  • ConfigurationItemFactory(params Assembly[] assemblies)-Constructor
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.CreateInstance-Method for legacy dependency-injection replaced by Register-extension-methods with custom factory-method.
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.RegisterItemsFromAssembly-Method for explicit assembly loading replaced by extension methods.
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.AssemblyLoading-EventHandler together with AssemblyLoadingEventArgs
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.PreloadAssembly-Method for explicit assembly loading replaced by extension methods.
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.RegisterType-Method for explicit assembly loading replaced by extension methods.
  • ConfigurationItemFactory.RegisterType-Method for explicit assembly loading replaced by extension methods.
  • INamedItemFactory-Interface prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.Targets-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.Layouts-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.LayoutRenderers-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.AmbientProperties-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.TimeSources-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.Filters-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.
  • INamedItemFactory ConfigurationItemFactory.ConditionMethods-Property prevents correct trimming annotations.

The following methods has been marked obsolete on LogManager / LogFactory, with redirection to Setup() extension methods:

  • LogManager.LoadConfiguration(string configFile)-Method replaced by LogManager.Setup().LoadConfigurationFromFile(...)
  • LogManager.ConfigurationReloaded-EventHandler replaced by ConfigurationChanged-EventHandler.
  • LogManager.GetCandidateConfigFilePaths()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.
  • LogManager.SetCandidateConfigFilePaths()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.
  • LogManager.ResetCandidateConfigFilePath()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.

The following methods has been marked obsolete on SimpleConfigurator, with redirection to Setup() extension methods:

  • SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForConsoleLogging-Method replaced by LogManager.Setup().LoadConfiguration(c => c.ForLogger().WriteToConsole())
  • SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForFileLogging-Method replaced by LogManager.Setup().LoadConfiguration(c => c.ForLogger().WriteToFile(fileName))
  • SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging-Method replaced by LogManager.Setup().LoadConfiguration(c => c.ForLogger().WriteTo(target))

The following methods has been marked obsolete on XmlLoggingConfiguration, with redirection to Setup() extension methods:

  • XmlLoggingConfiguration.GetCandidateConfigFilePaths()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.
  • XmlLoggingConfiguration.SetCandidateConfigFilePaths()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.
  • XmlLoggingConfiguration.ResetCandidateConfigFilePath()-Method replaced by just explicitly specifying file-path.

The following methods has been marked obsolete on LayoutRenderer, with redirection to Setup() extension methods:

  • Target.Register-Method replaced by RegisterTarget<T>-extension-method
  • Layout.Register-Method replaced by RegisterLayout<T>-extension-method
  • LayoutRenderer.Register-Method replaced by RegisterLayoutRenderer<T>-extension-method

For normal NLog users these changes should not give any noise. The more advanced NLog users and maintainers of NLog-extension-libraries, are encouraged to move away from the obsoleted methods, and provide alternative way without using dynamic assembly loading.

If having questions or problems about these changes, then one is wellcome to open GitHub Issue

Dependency Injection without CreateInstance

NLog ConfigurationItemFactory.CreateInstance has for a long time been the default way to handle dependency injection. It allows override of how to create instance of class-type, and parse input-dependencies as constructor parameters.

The CreateInstance-delegate has now been marked obsolete, as it doesn’t work well with annotations for application trimming.

NLog v5 introduced the ability to acquire dependencies during InitializeTarget-method with help from ResolveService<T>-method.

NLog v5.2 now also introduces the ability to register extensions together with a custom factory-method:


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